Butea, also known as \\"flame of the forest\\", is a well known tree of India. The scarlet and orange flowers of the tree make its name appropriate. Butea is a medium-sized tree, with compound leaves. The leaves fall in winter and flowers bloom in February-March in small but dense dusters generally on leafless branches, and the tree appears to be aflame. The fruits are flat pods, with a single seed in each fruit.
Common Use:
The seeds are beneficial in the treatment of certain skin diseases. The seeds, ground and mixed with lemon juice, can be daubed on dhobi\\'s itch-an eczema-type of skin disorder, characterized by itching. They can also be applied with gratifying results on ringworrms. A hot poultice of the leaves can be applied to resolve boils, pimples, tumorous piles, ulcers and swellings. The crushed seeds can be used for killing maggots in wounds and sores. Diabetes The leaves of the tree are very useful in diabetes. They reduce blood sugar and are useful in glycosuria -- that is, the presence of a larg
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