Tea tree oil is derived from leaves of tea tree through steam distillation or cold pressing. The essential oil is also known as Melaleuca oil, it is colorless to pale yellow colored liquid that constitutes of fresh fragrance like camphor. Botanically, Tea tree is known as Melaleuca alternifolia and is native of South Wales and Australia. Tea tree belongs to Magnoliophyta division of Myrtales which is the order of Myrtaceae family. The tall shrub grows along streams of swampy flats. Tea tree has leaves which are linear, long and wide. It bears flowers in spike of 3- 5 cm long and bears small wo
Common Use:
Natural Tea tree oil is useful in the treatment of ringworms andathlete’s foot. It also cures soft corns, cuts and scrapes, warts, acne,dandruff as well as also treats itching of insect bites and chicken• Organic Tea tree oil is a good pain reliever. It helps in reducing feverand diminishes headaches as well also helps in lowering blood pressure and isuseful in curing sinusitis, cystitis and• Tea tree oil is widely brought in use as mouthwash. It helps in curingbad breath, oral candidiasis, plaque, gingivitis and inflamed• Tea tree oil is natural home remedy for yeast infections
Please note, Rakesh Sandal Industries does not recommend TEA TREE be taken internally unless under the supervision of a Medical Doctor certified in clinical Aromatherapy