Lemon Grass is thin, tall perennial plant which throws up its dense fasciclles of leaves from small rhizome. Botanically, lemon grass is known as Cymbopogon lexuosus and is a kind of aromatic tall sedge belonging to Poaceae family. Lemon grass is fast growing aromatic grass which is mostly cultivated in warm temperate region. Lemon grass is generally called barbed wire grass, silky heads, tanglad etc. Lemon grass oil is a type of essential oil which is extracted from grasses of lemon through steam distillation method. Lemon grass oil varies from dark yellow to amber to reddish in color. It has
Common Use:
Lemon grass oil has numerous therapeutic uses. It is used to rejuvenatebody cells, clear headaches and helps fight nervous exhaustion and stressrelated conditions.• Lemon grass oil is also useful in the treatment of sore throats,laryngitis, fever and prevents spreading of infectious diseases. It acts asanalgesic, diuretic, carminative, astringent, fungicidal and insecticidal.• It helps in muscles and tissues toning, corrects poor circulation andboosts parasympathetic nervous system. It is also useful in curing colitis,gastro- enteritis and indigestion.• Lemon grass oil is effecti
Traditional Indian medicine has used Lemongrass Essential Oil to treat infectious illness and fever.
Please note, Rakesh Sandal Industries does not recommend LEMON GRASS OIL be taken internally unless under the supervision of a Medical Doctor certified in clinical Aromatherapy